python - Adding and removing data to/from iCal -

I need to add / remove calendar data from / in iCal.

I found google and found that I can use to create Iics file to add calendar information to ICal but to delete calendar information, I do not know exactly what to do.

  • Question 2: What is the other way to add calendar data to iCal?

    To remove an event within iCal, you should be able to identify it . This event can be done through the UID property or by piece of any other information is a quick example:

      Tell the app "iCal" tell the calendar "Chuck" set with evt To finish the new event with properties, please specify {details: "Details", Summary: "Summary", Start Date: Get Current Date} evtID in each set of UL set UL, which summarizes " Summary "Delete delEvt Let   

    The ICal dictionary file (& gt; script editor is available for an event take a look at open dictionary) you can find a list of properties.
