I am trying to get the total for the array in the object.
I am using print_r to get the following to see it. Here is my code to get information I am very new to this. Any advice will help you. Thanks > Try: stdClass object ([data] => array ([0] => stdClass object ([name] = & gt; flow Bible [category] => movie [id] = & Gt; 227431881228 [created_time] => 2011-02-27 T-21: 41: 04 + 0000) [1] => Study Class Object ([name] => shooter [category] => Movie [id] => 10 971715718938 [created_time] => 2011-02-16T0 9: 18: 29 + 0000) [2] => Study Class Object ([name] => Tron [Category] => Movie [id] => 99792857339 [
$ movies ==== ================================================== ============================ Json_decode (file _get_contents ('https://graph.facebook.com/me/movies?' .format = json and access_token = '. $ Session [' access_token ']));
$ c = count ($ movies-> Data)
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