I stumbled over some inconvenience by using the Suppose I have general service: I can not explicitly tell the My question is: What are the proper ways to use After asking the above questions and the answer to Paimalo, I have been able to come up with a solution. The problem here is that the service loader can access all the files Using a file that is listed, in a given class / interface, the file is named after the interface name. It was not expected to understand the type parameter in the file name, and it is not normally possible to undergo a So, you can get here only by looking at any type of your generic services, and then inspecting the object of your class to see if it is Something like this: It has not been tested, and interfaces enhanced by the interfaces of our class directly and the interfaces implemented by our (normal) superclasses should also be increased. And of course, it only nothing like Where java.util.ServiceLoader and the other day. The trench is made in me.
Public Interface Service & lt; T & gt; {...}
ServiceLoader to load the only implementation with a specific general type .
Service Loader & lt; Service & lt; String & gt; & Gt; Services = ServiceLoader.load (Service.class); // Failure
ServiceLoader to safely load the implementation of normal service?
Public Interface Services & lt; T & gt; {... true} If an implementation can handle the given `t 'type; Incorrect Otherwise Public Boolean Cahndal (class
change boolean canServe (class
Is also changing. & Lt; T & gt; & Lt; T & gt; Similar service (class and lieutenant; ??) can be more dynamic than that (I'm using myself later because I have a method
boolean canHandle (T t ) was initially the interface.)
class object as normal.
service & lt; String & gt; There is a subtype of .
Classroom test {public service & lt; String & gt; GetStringService () {// It is a little strange that we can not explicitly construct a // parametric type with the raw type and parameters, so here // we use this solution. For this, a dummy method or / var / variable may be required if this method has the second return type. Parameterized type word string string string type = (Parametry type) Test.class.getMethod ("GetStringService"). GetGenericReturnType (); ServiceLoader & LT; & Lt ;? & Gt; & Gt; Loader = ServiceLoader.load (Service & lt;? & Gt; .class); (Service & lt ;? & gt; service: loader) {if (applicable (service.getClass (), stringServiceType) {@SuppressWarnings ("uncheck") service & lt; String & gt; S = (service) service; Return s; }}} Is using public boolean (class
serve the example of a class device & lt; String & gt; {...}
class examples & lt; X & gt; Service & lt; X & gt; {...}
example & lt; String & gt; There may be a valid implementation of your service.
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