I am trying to determine if a pasted URL is valid or not. I'm using the Force () function to detect paste events, I'm using a regex which I got for verification (which works and is ok for time). I am also adding some text to tell the user whether this is a valid URL or not.
The only thing that works, when it is inside the bind (URL), the URL is validated. It works when it is kept out, though.
Verify the function URL (textwalk) {var urlregex = new RegExp ("^ (http | https | ftp) \: // ([one -zA-Z0-9 \. -.] + (\: [.z- one-zA-Z0-9 \ & amp; amp;% \ $ \ -]) * @) * ((25 [0-5] | 2 [0-4] [0-9] | [0-1] {1} [0-9] {2} | [1-9] {1} [0-9] {1} | [1-9 ]) \ (25 [0-5] | 2 [0-4] [0-9] | [0-1] {1} [0-9] {2} | [1-9] {1} [ 0-9] {1} | [1-9] | 0) \ (25 [0-5] | 2 [0-4] [0-9] | [0-1] {1} [0-9 ] {2} | [1-9] {1} [0-9] {1} | [1-9] | 0) \ (25 [0-5] | 2 [0 -4] [0-9 ] | [0-1] {1} [0-9] {2} | [1-9] {1} [0-9] {1} | [0-9]) | (. [Ek-zA -Z0-9 \ -] \) * [one-zA-Z0-9 \ -] \ (com | edu | gov | integer | mile | net | org | biz | ARPA | info | name | support | air | enclosure | Museums | [a-zA-Z] {2}) (\: [0-9] +) * (/ (| | [one-zA-Z0-9 \? \, \ \ '\\\ + & Amp;% ‧ $ # \ = ~ _ \ -])) * $$); Return urlregex.test (textval); } $ (Document) .ready (function () {// Assign a variable that is in the input box for ur url = $ ("# ent"). Val () // paste this url from anywhere " CSS ("background color", "green"); $ ("# condition") .append ("valid url") (if validateURL (url)) {$ ("# ent"). ); $ ("# Submit"). Attr ('disabled', 'disabled');}});}); HTML:
& Lt; input type = "text" name = "ent" id = "ent" & gt; input type = "submit" name = "submit" id = "submit" & gt; & lt ; Div id = "status" & gt; & lt; / div & gt;
Come You can try:
$ (document) .ready (function () {function validateURL (textval) {var urlregex = new RegExp ("^ (http | https | ftp) \: // ([a-zA-Z0-9. \ -] + (\: [.a- zA-Z0-9 \ & amp; amp;% \ $ \ -]) * @) * ((25 [ 0-5] | 2 [0-4] [0-9] | [0-1] {1} [0-9] {2} | [1-9] {1} [0-9] {1} | [1-9]) \ (25 [0-5] | 2 [0-4] [0-9] | [0-1] {1} [0-9] {2} | [1-9] {1} [0-9] {1} | [1-9] | 0) \ (25 [0-5] | 2 [0-4] [0-9] | [0-1] {1} [0-9] {2} | [1-9] {1} [ 0-9] {1} | [1-9] | 0) \ (25 [0-5] | 2 [0-4] [0-9] | [0-1] {1} [0- 9 ] {2} | [1-9] {1} [0-9] {1} | [0-9]) |. ([One-zA-Z0-9 \ -] \) * [zA-Z0-9 \ -] to one [com | edu | gov | integer | mile | net | org | biz | ARPA | info | Name | support | air | enclosure | museum | [a-zA-z] {.? 2}) (\: [0-9] +) * (/ ($ | [one-zA-Z0-9 \ \, \; \\\\\ + & amp; amp;% \ $ # \ = ~ _ \ -] +)) * $ "); Return to return urlregex.test (textval);} // Inputbox Anything that is in / / is that if they are URL $ ("#int") .live ('input paste', function () {var url = $ ("# ent"). Val () , If (validateURL (url)) {$ ("# ent"). CSS ("background color", "green"); $ ("# condition"). Attach ('disabled', 'disabled');}});}); / Div>
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