Django Form Validation Problem -

itemprop = "text">

I have a form that is never valid. This form is just three drop-down boxes when the form is presented, then the values ​​of all the boxes are populated and the first is chosen, so there is no problem, the user can not present bad values, then Also form.is_valid () always returns false. help please!


  CLUSTER_TYPES = (('' ST '', 'state'), ('cnt', 'county'), ('fcd') '), (' GCC ',' Circle Clustering '),); MAP_VIEWS = (('1', 'Single Map'), ('2', 'Two Maps'), ('4', 'Four Maps'),); Class ViewDataForm (forms.Form): def __init__ (auto, set = none, * args, ** kwargs): set = kwargs.pop ('data_sets') Super (ViewDataForm, itself) .__init__ (* args, * * Kwargs) Processed_sets = [] For DS in the set: processed_sets.append ((, self.fields ['data_sets'] = forms.ChoiceField (label = 'data set', option = processed_sets ) Self Field ['Clustering'] = Form. Chargefield (label = 'clustering', option = CLUSTER_TYPES) ​​itself Field ['map_view'] = form Chargefield (label = 'map view', option = MAP_VEWS)   


  def main_view (requested): # We set the data set for this user set Will receive a list of = DataSet.objects.filter (owner = request.user) # To populate the Geogenson string object potentially see Jason = '#' View the default map View map = MapPicture If the request type request.method == 'POST': form = see the data form (request .post, request.FILES, data_sets = .filter (state = 'Ohio', mapcount = 1) mapView = mapView [0] Set) v = Form.is_valid () if form.is_valid (): # data set DS = dataset Object .filter (id = int (form.cleaned_data ['data_set'])) DS = DS [0] # Get the county data point classification qs_county = DataPointClassification.objects.filter (dataset = DS, partition = form.cleaned_data [' Clustering ']) Create #Geogeson Object (a feature collection) json =' 'json + =' {"type": "Feature Collection", "FEATURES": [['index = 0: index' for the county in qs_county] ; 0: json + = ',' json + = '{"type": "feature", "geometry":' json + = county. Population GOOM_POLIEJOJOSON JASON + = ', "Properties": {"Aggradia": "' + Str (County.Egdata) + '"}' JASON + = '}' index + = 1 JASON + = ']}' MapView = Mapview.bizct Filters (state = 'Ohio', mapcount = 1) mapView = MV [0] Other: Form = ViewDataforms (data_set = set) # Feedback C = RequestContacts (Request, {'form': form, 'mapview_long': see map Center length, 'map view_litid': see map, centerpost, 'map view_jum level': MapView.zoomLevel, 'geojson': json, 'valid_was_it': v} Return render_to_response ('main.html', c)    

The __ init has override signature __ method, so that the situational parameters set . However, when you instantiate it, you pass request.POST as the first codic logic - that's why the form never gets data, so it is not valid.

Do not change the signature of __ init __ . In fact, you have everything set up properly so that you do not need it: Remove only sets = none from the definition of the method, and all this should be done.
