css - Text size is different in IE and Firefox -

Why is the text in IE slightly larger than Firefox? Example (Top is how IE underlines text, below is FF):

Announced text in ARIL 16px as CSS. I know that there is an anti aliasing in IE but this font should not be big IMO, is this the case? It breaks my design, can I do anything other than reducing the font size?


If you have at all All browsers have a pixel-perfect design (not recommended, just use images for those parts), I'll try to start with a CSS reset. / P>

The long line of CSS actually is that you can insert the CSS to "reset" at the top of your stylesheet. Browsers use their own default, and if you do not account for them, may look different.

  / * Copyright (c) 2010, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved codes are licensed under the BSD License: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/license.html Version: 3.3.0 Build: 3167 * / html {color: # 000; Background: #fff;} body, div, dl, dt, dd, ul, ol, li, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, east, code, form, fieldset, narrative, input, text field, p , Blockquote, th, td {margin: 0; Padding: 0;} table {border-fall: collapse; Range-distance: 0;} fieldset, img {boundary: 0;} cite addresses, captions, codes, dfn, them, strong, th, above {font-style: normal; Font-weight: normal;} li {list style: none;} title, th {text-align: left;} h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {font-size: 100%; Font-weight: normal;} q: first, q: '';} abbr, acronym {border :: {0; after content; Font-version: normal;} sup {vertical-align: text-top;} sub {vertical-align: text-bottom;} input, text field, {font-family: heirs; Font-size: heir; Font-weight: heir;} input, text field, {* font-size: 100%;} legend {color: # 000;}   

Credit goes to yahoo!
