I am trying to think that I am saying wrong with the wall, but not luck.
I'm getting error 1102: 1120: the entry of the undefined property in the following file:
& lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; S: see xmlns: fx = "http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns: s = "library: //ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" title = "home" & gt; & Lt; Fx: Announcements & gt; & Lt ;! - Place non-visible elements (for example, services, value objects) - & gt; & Lt; / Fx: Announcements & gt; & Lt; Fx: script & gt; & Lt ;! [CDATA [import ca.ss44.pabhi.Player; Var g: player = new player (); G. Name ("name"); ]] & Gt; & Lt; / Fx: script & gt; & Lt; / S: View & gt; My player category:
package ca.ss44.phabhi {public class player {private var _name: String; // Player Name Private var _cards: array; Public function player () {// sets current player, players do not have default card _cards = new array (); } / ** * Replay an array of all the cards that are currently playing. * / Public function getCards (): array {back new array (); } // Adds a card to the players Public function Edicard (Card: Card): A card drop by the hands of zero {} players. Public Function Dropcard (Card: Card): Zero {} Public Function Set Name (Value: String): Zero {_name = value; } Public function find name (): string {return _name; }}} This error will help me a lot. In addition to the Setter problem, your code is placed directly in the script block in place for class announcements.
start event of the component: <: xmlns: fx = "http: />> See: /ns.adobe.com/mxml/ 2009 "xmlns: s =" Library: //ns.adobe.com/flex/spark "title =" Home "initialize =" init () "& gt; & Lt; Fx: script & gt; & Lt ;! [CDATA [Private Function Init (): Zero {import ca.ss44.pabhi.Player; Var g: player = new player (); G. Name = "name"; }] & Gt; & Lt; / Fx: script & gt;
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