push notification - iphone Launch Options -

After a push notification I can not find any launching option; I have the code, but none of NSLogs is printed in the debug area.

  UILLocal Notification * Localization = [Launch Option ObjectForca: UIApplication Launch Option Remote Notification Key]; If (localizational) {NSString * itemName = [localNotif.userInfo objectForKey: @ "aps"]; NSLog (@ "custom:% @", titled); } Else {NSLog (@ "//////////////////////////"); }   

When I open the app (pressing on push notifications), then it goes on to the receivermot notification script, I'm not sure what to mean. .

Thanks for reading.

Depending on the status of your app, your app receives push notifications through multiple paths It has been received.

If your app is not launched (even in the background is not suspended), then notification payload in the launch option (key UIApplicationLaunchSomptionRemoteNotificationKey ) Will happen .

If it is already running in the background or suspended, the application will receive alerts via the app: In your application's representative: < P> The process is the same for local information (UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocalNotificationKey in the application: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: and Application: didReiveiveLocalNotification: )
