I am making reports with Jasper Reports (4.0.0) for our project (JRE 1.6.x).
I'm having trouble with Generated reports are very important and should not have any errors. Therefore, if there is an exception (like NPE for some missing data), then it should stop the generation, and should correct the database and / or report. Such behavior can hide some reporting coding errors, unless a person is left out of an unavailable area. What is the reason for this behavior with NPE? Is there any compilation option or execution flag? Can I switch to make NPE's bubble up as other exceptions? I really want that I do not have to wrap each lipet method in a Thank you! Well, a sample report does not use this scriptlet, but generates NPE directly on the field evaluation (the result is the same), and executed directly on the iReport preview without the parameters Can be: This is not a null pointer expression problem, it seems that your data source Taps allow areas. Jasperports are strong enough to handle a report where some information is missing. There is a property that you can set so that when "fields" are not printed in the information "null" or left blank. If you do not want the data to be generated, to generate the report in all, modify your data source so that the field is "not taped". Alternatively, drop on a conditional statement so that your script only runs when a field is not empty and if they are then break it. Then when the report hit an empty field it will be closed. NullPointerException s in my scriptlets, because they do not give the reason for canceling the report, they only silently delete the field
null Is evaluated for. As far as I tested, it is only for NPE.
try..catch block and throw another exception on NPE.
& lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; JasperReport xmlns = "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports" xmlns: xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" XI: schema location = "http: // JasperParts Sourceforge. Net / jasperreports http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/jasperreport.xsd "name =" NPE_Report "pageWidth =" 595 "page height =" 842 "columnWidth =" 555 "left margin =" 20 "correct margin =" 20 "Top margin =" 20 "margin below =" 20 "& gt; & Lt; Property Name = "ireport.zoom" value = "1.0" /> & Lt; Property Name = "ireport.x" value = "0" /> & Lt; Property name = "ireport.y" value = "0" /> & Lt; Variable name = "NullVariable" class = "java.lang.Integer" calculation = "system" & gt; & Lt; InitialValueExpression & gt; & Lt; [CDATA [Nulled]] & gt; & Lt; / InitialValueExpression & gt; & Lt; / Variable & gt; & Lt; Variable name = "NotNullVariable" class = "java.lang.Integer" calculation = "system" & gt; & Lt; InitialValueExpression & gt; & Lt; [CDATA [200]] & gt; & Lt; / InitialValueExpression & gt; & Lt; / Variable & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; & Lt; Band height = "72" partition type = "statch" & gt; & Lt; StaticText & gt; & Lt; Report Element x = "11" y = "10" width = "179" height = "22" /> & Lt; TextElement & gt; & Lt; Font size = "14" /> & Lt; / TextElement & gt; & Lt; Text & gt; & Lt ;! [CDATA [Successful Field Evaluation:]] & gt; & Lt; / Text & gt; & Lt; / StaticText> & Lt; Textfield & gt; & Lt; Report Element x = "190" y = "10" width = "296" height = "22" /> & Lt; TextElement & gt; & Lt; Font size = "14" /> & Lt; / TextElement & gt; & Lt; TextFieldExpression class = "java.lang.String" & gt; & Lt ;! [CDATA ["0x" + integer. Homestrings ($ V {NotNullVariable} .intValue () + 55)]] & gt; & Lt; / TextFieldExpression & gt; & Lt; / Textfield & gt; & Lt; StaticText & gt; & Lt; Report Element x = "11" y = "32" width = "179" height = "22" /> & Lt; TextElement & gt; & Lt; Font size = "14" /> & Lt; / TextElement & gt; & Lt; Text & gt; & Lt ;! [CDATA [NPE on field evaluation:]] & gt; & Lt; / Text & gt; & Lt; / StaticText> & Lt; Textfield & gt; & Lt; Report Element x = "190" y = "32" width = "296" height = "22" /> & Lt; TextElement & gt; & Lt; Font size = "14" /> & Lt; / TextElement & gt; & Lt; TextFieldExpression class = "java.lang.String" & gt; & Lt ;! [CDATA ["0x" + integer. Homestrings ($ V {navigator}} .intValue () + 55)]] & gt; & Lt; / TextFieldExpression & gt; & Lt; / Textfield & gt; & Lt; / Bands & gt; & Lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Expansion & gt; & Lt; Band height = "24" partition type = "statch" /> & Lt; / Extension & gt; & Lt; / JasperReport & gt;
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