iphone - Insert 12 objects into NSMutableArray -

I want to add 12 objects to nsmutablearray, ready for command InsertObject: atIndex:

There < / P>

  [Self. YouTubeArrayAbject: @ ""] should be a fast way; [Self. YoutubeArray addObject: @ ""]; [Self. YoutubeArray addObject: @ ""]; [Self. YoutubeArray addObject: @ ""]; [Self. YoutubeArray addObject: @ ""]; [Self. YoutubeArray addObject: @ ""]; [Self. YoutubeArray addObject: @ ""]; [Self. YoutubeArray addObject: @ ""]; [Self. YoutubeArray addObject: @ ""]; [Self. YoutubeArray addObject: @ ""]; [Self. YoutubeArray addObject: @ ""]; [Self. YoutubeArray addObject: @ ""];    

  NSMutableArray * arr = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects: @ "" Number: 12 ];    
