objective c - In App Purchase Problem - Where Am I Going Wrong ? iPhone -

I'm trying to test my app purchase (in the sandbox) and have the following problem: < Ul>

  • The app retrieves the available products and displays them in a table.
  • The user clicks on "Buy"
  • The user is asked to enter a username and password (this is my test user).
  • A confirmation comes back on the screen saying that transsection is successful.

    The problem is that the content has not been downloaded and the following method can not be called:

      - (zero) Payment queue ( SKPMantQueue *) Queued updated transaction: (NSARRA *) Transactions {for transactions in transaction transactions transactions} {Switch (Transaction.transactionState) {Case escapement transaction: Buying: [self-full transaction: transactions]; break; Case SkpMent Transaction: Static File: [Self-Failed Transaction: Transaction]; break; Case SCCMant Transaction Status Reinstated: [Self Restored Transactions: Transactions]; Default: Break; }}}   

    Can anyone help?

    Check whether you added transaction supervisor

      [[SKPMentQue Default Q] addTransactionObserver: mObserverObject];   

    Where mObserverObject is the object of the square where you have implemented the updated conversion process.

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