Problems with AS3, Flash Player 9: When using the following code.
I can not stop a new SWF loaded after playing back swf on the swf ??
I have tried putting a sound mixer, stopping all the code on the action panel of the opening frame of all my SWFs. I have this code in my main SWF, the sounds are loaded in SWF.
I am using Flash Player 9, AS3, Flash CS5
var Xpos: number = 53; Var Ypos: Number = 17; Var swf: movie clips; Var Loader: Loader = New Loader (); Var Default SWF: URRQuestion = New URRACC ("Swift / Animation 1.swf"); Loader.load (defaultSWF); Loader.x = Xpos; Loader.y = Ypos; AddChild (loader); BTNS Universal Function Function BTNClick (Event: Mouse Event): Zero {Remove Holes (Loader); Var newSWFRequest: URLRequest = new URLRequest ("swfs /" + + ".swf"); Loader.load (newSWFRequest); Loader.x = Xpos; Loader.y = Ypos; AddChild (loader); } // Activate BTN listeners Part1.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, btnClick); Activate PART2.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, btnClick); Activate Part3.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, btnClick); Certificates.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, btnClick);
before you load Loader.unloadAndStop () Do you call your loader ? A new SVF in
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