I have a problem in 3 InDebab tables associated with a foreign key in MySQL, my tables are:
Tab 1 Name - Product PID (PK, Money, Auto Ink), Catalog_NO, PRODUCT_NAME, Composition, Size, Value, SUBCAT_ID (Foreign Key, Index, Built, Keyname-FK_ Products) Table 2 Name - Subcategory SUBCAT_ID (PK, large, auto inc), SUBCATEGORY_NAME, CAT_ID (fkey, bigint) Table 3 Name - Category CAT_ID (Pkey, bigint, auot inc), CAT_NAME 1. Selection And su What is the correct query for the user? The result should be shown in data by joining 3 tables: productpad, catalog_no, PRODUCT_NAME, COMPO, SIZE, PRICE, SUBCATEGORY_NAME, CAT_NAME 2 What is the correct way to update and delete associated records using a single query through a single form?
3.Will use a single HTML form through a single query field such as product name (input type = textx), catalog number (input type = text), composition (input type = text) Choose the size (input type = text), value (input type = text), subcategory (with the option type of field type), with category (select type) field option) If yes?
Please help, its important.
product code as SELECT p.PID, p.CATALOG_NO, p.PRODUCT_NAME, p Include .COMPOSITION AS COMPO, p.SIZE, p.PRICE, s.SUBCATEGORY_NAME, c.CAT_NAME products in INNER, subcategory on page SUBCAT_ID = s.SUBCAT_ID to join INNER at category C s.CAT_ID = c.CAT_ID Update and delete can also be included in some cases (not on foreigner) but you may only need to change on the individual tables to insert a product table.
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