.net - difference between windows installer 3.1 and 4.5 While creating SetUP Project Whic one to select when -
I am creating the app for the Win app in VS2010 Framework 4.0
Now my project According to the requirement of Microsoft. Before selecting NET Framework 4 (x86 and x64)
(winning project properties)
Now I am confused with Wind Installer To select
(Windows Installer 3.1 / Windows Installer 4.5) As they are base OS applications will be installed or installed. ... what ..? See different Windows installer versions installed by default in different OS. If you plan to apply your application to Windows XP or Windows 2003 Server , select Windows Installer 3.1 , and if you select < B> Vista or Windows 7 only, version 4.5 may be a better option.
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