.net - Create Appointment with Multiple Recipients in Dynamics -

I need to make an appointment with many recipients in MS Dynamics. Note that I do not really want to save the appointment ... which should only be done after the user has saved the click. I just want to display the form with many recipients already added.

If I use the URL for the appointment form:


I I can specify the party id url parameter which is the dynamicm GUID for that person I want to add to recipients .... but what if I want to add many recipients? What is the method to do this with URL parameters?

If not, is there no way in the form of onload JavaScript to the recipient in the form of a program? Is this a Javascript API hook for this?

Thank you.

No, you do not set more than one party by using CRM's PartyD / PartyDam query string parameters Will find

Yes, there are onload hooks. . In the second example, you will see how he has set a lookup in the script. // Add the object to the array. LookupData [0] = Lookup Item;

You will be equal to one of each of your recipients / resources. Add an object to the array LookupData [0] = LookupImage; LookupData [1] = Lookup 2; Lookup data [2] = Lookup item 3;

Then this is just one thing that you can not add random query string parameters (CRM), all the query string parameters confirms the set of known parameters ) So you have to do something else to send the data. Some options ...

  • Put GUIDs / names in a cookie in the open page and pars in the download (CRM already requires a cookie)
  • A string attribute Make it and place it on the appointment form. Hide it using Javascript (Display: None) That part is "unsupported", but you do not want a visible feature featuring a bunch of GUIDs. You will be able to hide a form field. Use this attribute to pass / validate your data by query string. Analyze the attribute on runtime.

    Hope this would be helpful ...
