iphone - Which is the best method to display thumbnail images on UIScrollview (downloaded from server) -

I want to show several images (as thumbnails) on UISCrewview (like a photo app). All images will be downloaded from the server. According to my knowledge, there are some options:

1) Add Uvimageviews and add them as subviews on the main scroll. 2) Paint images by subclass of a UIView square, and then 3) CATiledLayer Using the class

I think the first option is not as good as it is not the best way to load images in large numbers; And the third alternative is more suitable for large images. As I get only small images, so the second option is the best in my case.

Please suggest, which option should I go to. If possible, please provide sample code.

Many thanks in advance :)

"[UIImageView] is not enough because It is not adaptable "by what do you say? Do you really think that UIImageView is not optimized for displaying images?

My advice: Go with the easiest solution and see if it meets your needs.
