We have this Apache camel route, .... and the Bean class in this way We are trying to keep a message and are waiting for a reply on the route like this In the forward direction, objects are found in a martial / unmanned manner in a great way. But the setBody call is generating a java.io.NotSerializableException. Is there a way to configure the route to use the same Jacob Marshalling / Unmorning on the way? There are some jackab-generated class objects in my command class that are not ordered. They are well controlled in the forward direction by the martial / unskilled and if they can be back on the road then it would be nice. Being relatively new in the camel, it is not certain that this is the best way to go about it. Thanks a bunch. You can martial it after the orientation of beans (commandDrop) .marshal (jaxbDataFormat ) .Jmsquueue; From (jmsQueue) .inOut ("jms: doCommand requestTimeout = 500000"); ("Jms: doCommand") from unmarshal (jaxbDataFormat) .binRef ("beans") ;.
object ret = template. RequestBody (commandDrop, New TestCommand ());
("Jms: doCommand"). Unmarshal (jaxbDataFormat) .binRef ("Bean"). Martial (jaxbDataFormat);
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