actionscript 3 - AS2 Gallery swf loaded into Main web AS3 swf -

I have loaded an AS2 SWF in an AS3 SWF but did not execute the OLDINT Function for a Movie clip loader object is; Which does not concentrate my images and is not less in dimensions (width / height)

This works if I run the AS2 SFF (Gallery) directly.

  listenerObj.onLoadInit = function (target: movie clip) {if (target._height> gt; _root.maxHeight) {var proportion = target._height / _root.maxHeight; Target._height = target._height / ratio; Target._width = target._width / ratio; } If (target_mc._width> _root.maxWidth) {var proportion = target._width / _root.maxWidth; Target._height = target._height / ratio; Target._width = target._width / ratio; } Target._x = ((Stage.width / 2) - (target._width / 2)); Target._y = ((Stage.height / 2) - (target._height / 2)); } MCL. Adidlist (Audience Obj); Unfortunately there are some subtle differences in behavior and bug when loading AS3 movie in AS3.    

. I also experience the behavior you saw - when any loader loads in AS3 then no load handler works on the listener. There are some weird issues while loading AVM1 movies, especially when nesting Weight

Perhaps best you can do that when the clips are loaded, see the entrramment for the election. On one side _ method! = 0 is to see. It should be after the clip has loaded. Then you can start the position:

  Enterframe () at the function {if (target._width) {// your positioning + init code here at interfraction = zero; }}    
