tdd - testing node.js with expresso - redis session store -

I am trying to learn TDD with the node. I have hit this issue with expresso where the expresso command is hanging, I think due to redis-server, by eliminating the process with ctrl + c Finally, I'm getting the output (100% of 3 exams pass).

expresso hang the command, and what can I do about it?

My app looks like this:

  // module dependency requires var auth = ('connect-at'), RedisStore = is required ( 'Connect-radis'); Var Express = Required ('Express'); Var app = module.exports = express.createServer (); // configuration app Configuration (function () (app.cset ('visual', __dirname + '/ views'); app.set ('visual engine', 'z'); app.ewesen (express.bodyParser); ap. Express.MathOrrayide ()); App Uses (ExxcookiePaper ()); App Use (Express Season ({Store: New Radisson Store, Mystery: "Secret Goes Here"}); app .use (app.router ); Application Uses (Express. Static (__DERNAM + '/ Public'));); App.configure ('development', function () {app.use (express.errorHandler) ({dump exception: true, show stack: true});}); App.configure ('output', function () {app.use (express.errorHandler ());}); // root.ap.get ('/ login', function (rick, 'r', 'r' Rs) {res.render ('user / login', {title: 'login'})}}; app.get ('/ register', function (req, res) {res.render ('user / login' , {Title: 'register'});}); // Listen to only $ node app.js (! Module parent) {app.listen (3000); Console.log ("listening on the express server port port "; App.address () .ports);}   

and my test: $ codeo // expresso / ** * module dependency * / Var app = requires ('../ap'), emphasis = require Module.exports = {'GET /': function () {assert.response (app, {url} '/'}, {status: 200, headers: {'content-type' : 'Text / html; charset = utf-8'}}, function (race) {assert.includes (res.body, 'title> heading & gt; archestate & lt; / title & gt;');}) ;}, 'GET / login': function () {assert.response (app, {url: '/ login}}, {status: 200, headers: {' Content-type ':' text / html; Charset = utf-8 '}}, function (race) {assert.includes (res.body,' title> title & gt; Login & lt; / title & gt; ';);}); }, 'GET / register': function () {assert.response (app, {url: '/ register}}, {status: 200, headers: {' content-type ':' text / html; charset = utf- 8 '}}, function (race) {assert.includes (res.body,' Register & lt; / title & gt; ');}); } </ Code> </ pre> <p>} </ p> </ div> <p> <div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> <p> Try typing your test like this And when all tests are completed, the test runner should finish himself: </ p> <pre> <code> 'gET /': function (done) {assert.response (app, {url: '/'}, {Status: 200, Header: {'content-type': 'text / html; charset = UTF-8'}}, function (race) {assert.includes (res.body, 'title> title & gt; arcstadt & Lt; / title & gt; '); done ();}); </ Code> </ pre> </ div> </ html><br /><br /> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <noscript><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="//" style="border:none;margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;" /></a></noscript> </div> <div class='post-footer container'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='byline post-timestamp'> <meta content=''/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'> <time class='published' datetime='2014-06-15T03:22:00-07:00' title='2014-06-15T03:22:00-07:00'> 03:22 </time> </a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> </div> <div class='post-share-buttons post-share-buttons-bottom'> <div class='byline post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <div aria-owns='sharing-popup-Blog1-byline-2966132523519807799' class='sharing' data-title='tdd - testing node.js with expresso - redis session store -'> <button aria-controls='sharing-popup-Blog1-byline-2966132523519807799' aria-label='Share' class='sharing-button touch-icon-button' id='sharing-button-Blog1-byline-2966132523519807799' role='button'> <div class='flat-icon-button ripple'> <svg class='svg-icon-24'> <use xlink:href='/responsive/sprite_v1_6.css.svg#ic_share_black_24dp' xmlns:xlink=''></use> </svg> </div> </button> <div class='share-buttons-container'> <ul aria-hidden='true' aria-label='Share' class='share-buttons hidden' id='sharing-popup-Blog1-byline-2966132523519807799' role='menu'> <li> <span aria-label='Get link' class='sharing-platform-button sharing-element-link' data-href='' data-url='' role='menuitem' tabindex='-1' title='Get link'> <svg class='svg-icon-24 touch-icon sharing-link'> <use xlink:href='/responsive/sprite_v1_6.css.svg#ic_24_link_dark' xmlns:xlink=''></use> </svg> <span class='platform-sharing-text'>Get link</span> </span> </li> <li> <span aria-label='Share to Facebook' class='sharing-platform-button sharing-element-facebook' data-href='' data-url='' role='menuitem' tabindex='-1' title='Share to Facebook'> <svg class='svg-icon-24 touch-icon sharing-facebook'> <use xlink:href='/responsive/sprite_v1_6.css.svg#ic_24_facebook_dark' xmlns:xlink=''></use> </svg> <span class='platform-sharing-text'>Facebook</span> </span> </li> <li> <span aria-label='Share to X' class='sharing-platform-button sharing-element-twitter' data-href='' data-url='' role='menuitem' tabindex='-1' title='Share to X'> <svg class='svg-icon-24 touch-icon sharing-twitter'> <use xlink:href='/responsive/sprite_v1_6.css.svg#ic_24_twitter_dark' xmlns:xlink=''></use> </svg> <span class='platform-sharing-text'>X</span> </span> </li> <li> <span aria-label='Share to Pinterest' class='sharing-platform-button sharing-element-pinterest' data-href='' data-url='' role='menuitem' tabindex='-1' title='Share to Pinterest'> <svg class='svg-icon-24 touch-icon sharing-pinterest'> <use xlink:href='/responsive/sprite_v1_6.css.svg#ic_24_pinterest_dark' xmlns:xlink=''></use> </svg> <span class='platform-sharing-text'>Pinterest</span> </span> </li> <li> <span aria-label='Email' class='sharing-platform-button sharing-element-email' data-href='' data-url='' role='menuitem' tabindex='-1' title='Email'> <svg class='svg-icon-24 touch-icon sharing-email'> <use xlink:href='/responsive/sprite_v1_6.css.svg#ic_24_email_dark' xmlns:xlink=''></use> </svg> <span class='platform-sharing-text'>Email</span> </span> </li> <li aria-hidden='true' class='hidden'> <span aria-label='Share to other apps' class='sharing-platform-button sharing-element-other' data-url='' role='menuitem' tabindex='-1' title='Share to other apps'> <svg class='svg-icon-24 touch-icon sharing-sharingOther'> <use xlink:href='/responsive/sprite_v1_6.css.svg#ic_more_horiz_black_24dp' xmlns:xlink=''></use> </svg> <span class='platform-sharing-text'>Other Apps</span> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class='comments embed' data-num-comments='0' id='comments'> <a name='comments'></a> <h3 class='title'>Comments</h3> <div id='Blog1_comments-block-wrapper'> </div> <div class='footer'> <div class='comment-form'> <a name='comment-form'></a> <h4 id='comment-post-message'>Post a Comment</h4> <a href='' id='comment-editor-src'></a> <iframe allowtransparency='allowtransparency' class='blogger-iframe-colorize blogger-comment-from-post' frameborder='0' height='90px' id='comment-editor' name='comment-editor' src='' width='100%'></iframe> <script src='' type='text/javascript'></script> <script type='text/javascript'> BLOG_CMT_createIframe(''); 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I now want to plot in that graphic which is more like this or Looks less: Library (Latis) # Horizontal and vertical axis information please take- c (div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> "214", "215", "216", "224", "211", "212", "213", "223", "226", "225") & lt; - Paste ("DM1- ", Hor, sep =" ") # counterfeit co Relation matrix narokol & lt; (I 1: nrowcol) for core [i] - length (var) core & lt; - matrix (runif (nrowcol * nrowcol, min = 0.4), nrow = nrowcol, ncol = nrowcol (Color, "blue", "yellow"), space = "RGB"), levelplates (core, main = "dimnames = list (hor, ver)), I] = 1 # plot rgb. Stage 12-14 array correlation matrix ") Xlab =" ", ylab =" ", col.regions = rgb.palette (120), cut = 100, at = seq (0,1,0.01)) ... </div> <a class='snippet-fade r-snippet-fade hidden' href=''></a> </div> </div> </article> <article class='post' role='article'> <h3 class='post-title'><a href=''> - RegisterUser: CreateUserWizardStep -</a></h3> <div class='item-content'> <div class='popular-posts-snippet snippet-container r-snippet-container'> <div class='snippet-item r-snippetized'> When using CreateUserWizardStep to register a new user I'm having a problem. Help me solve this problem.I have tried to configure in the web. Provider tag for configuration & lt; Required question and answer = "wrong" & gt; Although it still does not work ... I'm using the MySQL database RegisterUser :. An IEditableTextControl is not included with the CreateUserWizardStep.ContentTemplate ID question for the security question, it is necessary that your membership provider needs a question and answer. Source error: An unrestricted exception occurred during the execution of existing web requests. Information about the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. Stack trace:. [HttpException (0x80004005): RegisterUser: CreateUserWizardStep.ContentTemplate does not include questions IEditableTextControl security question with the ID, it is necessary to require a question and answer your subscri... </div> <a class='snippet-fade r-snippet-fade hidden' href=''></a> </div> </div> </article> <article class='post' role='article'> <h3 class='post-title'><a href=''>Integrate flash games in android app? -</a></h3> <div class='item-content'> <div class='popular-posts-snippet snippet-container r-snippet-container'> <div class='snippet-item r-snippetized'> 3 is a flash game that I want to integrate into a menu / list in the Android app. So when the user selects the game from the list, the game starts with the help of the Android Flash Player. Is it better or better with webwave? Is there any good tutorial? Thank you! Adobe Flash provides a good way: you can create a breeze for the Android app. Use this to create your menu and compile three games in your air app. Here are some tutorial links about how to publish AiI for Android applications and: PART1: AIR for Android, PART2: Publication for Android apps: Ai: I do not believe that the Android Flash Player can be launched with a single intention so far, so using Java Android will not solve it (now ) And and a third approach Whatever you mentioned, it should work - using the webwave. </div> <a class='snippet-fade r-snippet-fade hidden' href=''></a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> </div></div> </aside> <!-- close sidebar-container --> </div> <!-- close centered-bottom --> </div> <!-- close centered --> </div> <!-- close page_body --> <footer class='footer section' id='footer' name='Footer'><div class='widget Attribution' data-version='2' id='Attribution1'> <div class='widget-content'> <div class='blogger'> <a href='' rel='nofollow'> <svg class='svg-icon-24'> <use xlink:href='/responsive/sprite_v1_6.css.svg#ic_post_blogger_black_24dp' xmlns:xlink=''></use> </svg> Powered by Blogger </a> </div> </div> </div></footer> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="" async="true"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type='text/javascript'> window['__wavt'] = 'AOuZoY7l6FIG48SbCnGNwTy77RN1XxKWdA:1734837526913';_WidgetManager._Init('//\x3d5604725664842158450','//','5604725664842158450'); _WidgetManager._SetDataContext([{'name': 'blog', 'data': {'blogId': '5604725664842158450', 'title': 'Braylock', 'url': '', 'canonicalUrl': '', 'homepageUrl': '', 'searchUrl': '', 'canonicalHomepageUrl': '', 'blogspotFaviconUrl': '', 'bloggerUrl': '', 'hasCustomDomain': false, 'httpsEnabled': true, 'enabledCommentProfileImages': true, 'gPlusViewType': 'FILTERED_POSTMOD', 'adultContent': false, 'analyticsAccountNumber': '', 'encoding': 'UTF-8', 'locale': 'en-GB', 'localeUnderscoreDelimited': 'en_gb', 'languageDirection': 'ltr', 'isPrivate': false, 'isMobile': false, 'isMobileRequest': false, 'mobileClass': '', 'isPrivateBlog': false, 'isDynamicViewsAvailable': true, 'feedLinks': '\x3clink rel\x3d\x22alternate\x22 type\x3d\x22application/atom+xml\x22 title\x3d\x22Braylock - Atom\x22 href\x3d\x22\x22 /\x3e\n\x3clink rel\x3d\x22alternate\x22 type\x3d\x22application/rss+xml\x22 title\x3d\x22Braylock - RSS\x22 href\x3d\x22\x3drss\x22 /\x3e\n\x3clink rel\x3d\\x22 type\x3d\x22application/atom+xml\x22 title\x3d\x22Braylock - Atom\x22 href\x3d\x22\x22 /\x3e\n\n\x3clink rel\x3d\x22alternate\x22 type\x3d\x22application/atom+xml\x22 title\x3d\x22Braylock - Atom\x22 href\x3d\x22\x22 /\x3e\n', 'meTag': '', 'adsenseHostId': 'ca-host-pub-1556223355139109', 'adsenseHasAds': true, 'adsenseAutoAds': false, 'boqCommentIframeForm': true, 'loginRedirectParam': '', 'view': '', 'dynamicViewsCommentsSrc': '//', 'dynamicViewsScriptSrc': '//', 'plusOneApiSrc': '', 'disableGComments': true, 'interstitialAccepted': false, 'sharing': {'platforms': [{'name': 'Get link', 'key': 'link', 'shareMessage': 'Get link', 'target': ''}, {'name': 'Facebook', 'key': 'facebook', 'shareMessage': 'Share to Facebook', 'target': 'facebook'}, {'name': 'BlogThis!', 'key': 'blogThis', 'shareMessage': 'BlogThis!', 'target': 'blog'}, {'name': 'X', 'key': 'twitter', 'shareMessage': 'Share to X', 'target': 'twitter'}, {'name': 'Pinterest', 'key': 'pinterest', 'shareMessage': 'Share to Pinterest', 'target': 'pinterest'}, {'name': 'Email', 'key': 'email', 'shareMessage': 'Email', 'target': 'email'}], 'disableGooglePlus': true, 'googlePlusShareButtonWidth': 0, 'googlePlusBootstrap': '\x3cscript type\x3d\x22text/javascript\x22\x3ewindow.___gcfg \x3d {\x27lang\x27: \x27en_GB\x27};\x3c/script\x3e'}, 'hasCustomJumpLinkMessage': false, 'jumpLinkMessage': 'Read more', 'pageType': 'item', 'postId': '2966132523519807799', 'pageName': 'tdd - testing node.js with expresso - redis session store -', 'pageTitle': 'Braylock: tdd - testing node.js with expresso - redis session store -'}}, {'name': 'features', 'data': {}}, {'name': 'messages', 'data': {'edit': 'Edit', 'linkCopiedToClipboard': 'Link copied to clipboard', 'ok': 'Ok', 'postLink': 'Post link'}}, {'name': 'template', 'data': {'name': 'custom', 'localizedName': 'Custom', 'isResponsive': true, 'isAlternateRendering': false, 'isCustom': true}}, {'name': 'view', 'data': {'classic': {'name': 'classic', 'url': '?view\x3dclassic'}, 'flipcard': {'name': 'flipcard', 'url': '?view\x3dflipcard'}, 'magazine': {'name': 'magazine', 'url': '?view\x3dmagazine'}, 'mosaic': {'name': 'mosaic', 'url': '?view\x3dmosaic'}, 'sidebar': {'name': 'sidebar', 'url': '?view\x3dsidebar'}, 'snapshot': {'name': 'snapshot', 'url': '?view\x3dsnapshot'}, 'timeslide': {'name': 'timeslide', 'url': '?view\x3dtimeslide'}, 'isMobile': false, 'title': 'tdd - testing node.js with expresso - redis session store -', 'description': ' I am trying to learn TDD with the node. 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